Author Βίο

Giorgos Kleidaras is a Food Supply Business Consu1tant and professor of Gastronomy since 1995. He has been working in the field for 25 years. As a researcher of Esotericism and gastronomy and an author in Greece and abroad, he gives lectures and seminars on special topics.


Hidden Government, Jay Scott, R. Spenser, G. Winroad
Tech-gnosis, Eric Davis
New Money System, Mary Stewart Relfe
From Stress to Vitality,, Chia Mantek
Botanotherapy, Prineas, Κ.Ι
Laughter: The Best Therapy, Α. Loupasakis
Nature’s Medicinals, Enrique Darza
Women in the Altαr, group of authors
Diet of the Asterisms, Helen Cohran
The Omega Diet, Simopoulou, Α. and Robinson, J.
The Nutritionαl Zone, Barry Sears
Theofagy, Kotian
Sacrificial Worship: Symbolism in Holy Liturgy, Karl Young
Love and Wisdom Jewellery, Comeron Cordide
Wise Words, 1, 2, 3, KG Papadimitrakopoulos
Nutrition Secrets (Misc)
Cancer is Preventable and Treatable. D. Lambropoulos
Soul and Body in Shape (mu1tiple authors)
Eαr and Life, Alfredo Matis
Health from God's Pharmacy, Maήa Trembi
Health, Cαre and Nutrition Dr. lfianassa Karabatsou
Hygiene and Therapeutic Diet, Ι. Petrou
Feng-Shui: The ancient Wisdom of Harmonious Life for the Modern World.
Physics Manuscript, Wilhelm Reich
Time and Soul - Needleman Jakob.
Psychosomatic Illnesses -Josef Rattner
Psychotronic Technology, Stein Harry
Issues from the following Magazines: ΙΧΩΡ, ΔΑ Υ ΛΟΣ, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΑΓΩΓΗ,
Encyclopaedia of Herbs and Spices
Calculations for the Hotel and Catering Industry, G. Ε. Gee
Zen of Cooking, Hyman/Naimer
Best of Gourmet, Editors of Gourmet
Quality Customer Service in Hotel Business, L.I. Katarachias
Tourism: Α Theoreticαl Approach, Γεώργιος Dim. Kotsidopoulos
Tourist and Travel Industry, Gee Makens Choy
Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union
Cholesterol: Complete Nutrition Guide, Pospissil
Cooking for High-Blood Pressure, Payne, Ρ.
Low Cholesterol Cooking, Payne, Ρ.
Technique of Mass Production ο! Foods 1985, Κ. Hatzivgali
Food and Health, E. Petrou
Meat: Technology, Industrialization, Commerce, G. Katsas
Notes on Hygiene, S. Karanagnostis
Anthropology, Evagora Pantelouri
Natural History, Ν. Dimicrokali
Notes on Food Know-How, R. Psyllaki
On Food Know-How, N. Theodorou
Food and Delight Chemistry, S. Galanos
Hygiene, Ι. Papavasileiou
Food and Nutrition, Sebrel- Hegerty - Dybu
Healthy Foods, J. Eden
Principles of Genetics, D. Panou
Meat and Cold-cuts Technology, Polymenidi
Heredity, D. Εleftheriadou
If we knew what we ate, Vazaios
Nutrition, Kougentaki
Food Know-How, Psyllaki
History, Ethics, and Formation, G. Kleidaras
Organization, Production and Management, G. Kleidaras
Restaurant Art, Menu, Enology
Cafe Bar, G. Kleidaras
Nutrition, Diet and, Food Know-How, G. Kleidaras Cooking Art Α ', G. Kleidaras
Cooking Art Β ', G. Kleidaras
Baking and Pastry, G. Kleidaras
Systems of Hygiene HACCP, G. Kleidaras
Modern Medical Encyclopedia ΟΙ Sciences
The Mysteries ΟΙ Longevity, Makoulin
Natural Therapy, Levics
Aspects of Children’s Nutrition, G. Georganakos General Aspects of Nutrition, Α. Lakou
History of Nutrition, Ε. Μ. Ν. Ε.
Preserving Foods, Fytrakis
Οf Healthy Nutrition, Hippocrates
Helios Encyclopedia
Deipnosophists, Η. Zouraris
Second Deipnosophists, Η. Zouraris
Theofagy, Yan Cot
British Museum's Cooking, Μ. Berriedale-Jolmson
Greek Folk Diet and Agriculture, Monk Agapios of Creat
Plato’s Symposium, Ι. Sykoutris
What Ancient Greeks Ate, Η. Motsias
The Science of Life, Ayurveda
Siren Dinners, Andrew Dalby
The Constellation’s Diet, Helen Cochran
Monk's Cooking, Dositheos Archimandrite
Erotic Cooking, Gerard De Villiers
Grandmother’s Herbs, Cactus
Healing Herbs, Makri
Magic Herbs, Salvatore Pezzele
Grandmother's Three Notebooks, Akidalia
Vegetarian Cookίng, Wintered Graham
Healthy Nutrition and Diet, Townshed Rot
Herbs for Heath and Beauty, Hillary Boddie
Deipnosophists, Athenaios
Ancient Greek Symposia, Marina Aninou, Yiannis Lemonis
Oil, Myrsine Labraki



Source: http://www.martinrothonline.comlbirdf1uupdate/Articles/conspiracv.htm
Source: NEXUS New Times, Dec. 2005 - Jan. 2006, http://www.regnum.ru
Source: l1ttp:/ /www.martinrothonline.comlbirdf1uupdate/Articles/conspiracv.htm
Source: http://www.aventis.com/main/O.l003.EN-XX-24770-37160--.FF.html
Monsanto: http://www.monsanto.com
Pharmacia: http://www.pfizer.com/mnpharmacia splash.html
Antifungals, Sprays, Pesticides BASF:
http://www.basf.de/en/produkte/ gesundheitlpf1anzen/products/
Pharmaceutical Company BASF: http://www.pharma-solutions.basf.com/
Merck is a widely known Pharmaceutical Company: http://www.merck.com/
Bayer Pharmaceutical Company: http://www.pharma.baver.com
The BBC article can be found at:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/business/newsid 1549000/1549092.stm
Many mu1tinational corporations have been merged into each other:
http://www.syngenta. com/en/about_syngenta/figures.asp
Pharmaceuticals, Grains, Genetic Mechanics at Novartis: http://www.novartis.com
Novartis that owns Syngenta- that produces pesticides, etc.: http://www.syngenta-us.com\
Novartis ΑG has an impressive catalogue of products, subsidiary companies:

You can find some of the pharmaceutical products of Astra Zeneca at:
http://www.astrazeneca.comJmainnavl/s products/s prod brand/c prod list/index.html
Source: NEXUS New Times, Dec. 2005 - Jan. 2006, http://www.reg:num.ru
For a catalogue of clinics around the world: http://www.cancure.org

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