What Cannot Be Controlled Can Be Destroyed
illustration in a very popular Greek Comic book
shows a customer complaining to the waiter about the live roach he found in his soup. The waiter takes an insecticide
spray out of his pocket, sprays the bowl before the eyes of the astounded
customer, and tells him: "Don't start with the whole ecological stuff,
please!" So what happens when instead of the soup, we have the sea?
clean fish becomes more and more difficult, whether it is freshwater fish or
ocean fish. Freshwater fish seem to be one of the most contaminated foods.
Carnivore fish like bellywho are most likely contaminated with heavy metals
such as mercury, which is a hormone-inhibitor. Fish-farmed salmon are fed with
different drugs, chemicals, and hormones, while ίη shellfish we often discover concentrations of
cadmium which is another endocrine-blocker heavy metal (diets including
adequate quantities of calcium, protein, iron and zinc help protect against the
absorption of cadmium.)
fish are those who live in deep waters, like cod, wild salmon, sardines, and
mackerel. Scientists estimate that after the year 2050 fish will disappear from
our diet, as will sea life in its entirety,
because of the overwhelming natural pollution from man and from greedy fishing
practices that are supported by colossal multinational corporations. These same
corporations control grains, animal pasture, land, produce, commerce, and
money, that is, they control our entire life. The sea is connected with the
freedom of nutrition because it cannot be subjected easily under control like
the earth is. Our priorities should be geared to the sea, to the
water which is like our sou1, if we wish to restore hea1th and balance on earth, in our food, and in our bodies. Human bodies are made
of 72% water, which is as much as the proportion of sea versus land. Water,
just like the sou1, has always found its way, going through mountains, cliffs
and canyons. The water cycle includes rain and even the sky is also "sprayed"
Control of the Cycle of Life and Death
Is this
another conspiracy theory or is it just the reality we have come to accept and live
in silence with, day after day? The
entire cycle of life on earth is in critical condition. Tons of
nuclear waste transferred in the mud of
sewage systems and water into the sea, will transform into toxic rain, and ίn turn, they will pollute whatever
forests and soil were salvaged from desertification, drought, fires, and
have intervened ίη the
DNA of seeds and ίn the
soil ίn order to
increase the volume of harvest using chemical ferti1izers and pesticides, and
imposing, nevertheless, as necessary the spraying of increasingly stronger
pesticides. The harvest, which is now rich in volume but also in poison, is the product promoted by the World Trade Organization (USA) in grain/vegetable and fruit markets. Any
leftovers (the biggest part of it) become animal food enriched with fish flour
that is already infected with poisonous elements from contaminated seas and, in many cases, recycled rotten or sick animals. Animals have controlled
nutrition so they can get certified and approved for consumption. Since they
are afraid that animals may get sick by eating this "special" food
they were forced to add strong antibiotics and other drugs to cattle feed.
These stronger antibiotics were not enough so, in addition, they planned immunizations, spraying and radiation, not to
mention steroids.
In Europe it is expected that animal illnesses will persist,
such as cattle tuberculosis, while new diseases will appear as well, such as
the reproductive and respiratory syndrome of pigs. It is further estimated that
diseases that plague animals in Africa right now will soon appear in Europe. The most important among them
are the infectious pneumonia of the ox, the plague
of small ruminantia, as well as foot-and-mouth disease. It is obvious that the
plant kingdom would not escape from the ring of dangerous pathogenic organisms. Scientists already note that during
the last century in Europe,
we have been witnessing an increase in new plant
diseases. Among the first culprits on the list for
the emergence and spread of infectious disease in the future are, in addition, to travel, migration and
commerce, the changes in climate that upset the balance of
the planet and its inhabitants. Researchers note that within the next seventy-
five years, changes in climate are expected to have the
biggest impact on diseases transmitted by vectors
like bugs--bugs being one of the basic foods of ancient peoples.
All industries today revolve around the
food industry. Food technology is the proof that we are in this "refined" situation of a
civi1ization that kills with a fork. What an irony! Mutated milk, yogurt, cheese
and ice cream, everything "light," and margarines, among others,
cause intolerance, chronic pneumonia, allergies, constipation, diabetes,
autism, Alzheimer's, infertility, while canned food, cold cuts, meats- and
poultry, fish, vegetables, grains and seeds, and trans fats
are responsible for free radicals, arteriosclerosis, encephalopathy, multiple
sclerosis and some particularly rare diseases (rare, because the specific drug
was administered selectively in some areas).
Dietary Substitutes, Supplements, and Additives
dubious dietary supplements, dioxins, preservatives and biochemical substances,
additives, colorants, and antibiotics that are well-known for a series of
scandals for suspected fraud and side effects, and which haνe all started as symptomatic and
beyond suspicion, are considered well-funded, innocent scientific experiments.
We can witness the results on a daily basis
on our plates; they cause bad skin
conditions, neuropsychological problems, damage in the neurotransmitters, destruction of our natural defenses, damage in our immune system, problems in the bone marrow and blood circulation,
strokes, heart attacks and cancer.
the long-term consumption of substances, whether in the form of supplements or in the form of
food, hides dangers like osteoporosis (because of insufficient absorption of
calcium), renal cancer (possibly linked with an excessive function of the
kidneys in disposing metabolic products
stemming from these extra substances), increase in body weight,
poor absorption of some substances because of the excessive absorption of others,
and so forth. fu this way, we don't get, for instance, the nutrition elements
that flour has when found in its natural
form, since we are forced to take them in the form of a dietary supplement sold by multinational corporations
that went through the trouble to take them from the peel of the crop and made
them into a ρill.
We cannot
substitute an entire meal with a supplement. Food proνides us with a multitude of nutritious elements
not included in supplements. The diversity in nutrition guarantees all the necessary
nutrients for our organism and makes dietary supplements useless. Different
boosters and probiotics in bread and baked goods and in all desserts containing aspartame are responsible
for teratogeneses, tumors, holes or cancer in the brain, epilepsy, respiratory problems, premature menarche in women,
decrease in sperm quality and problems in the ovaries. From the moment when mothers left
home and were forced to go to work, we missed their blessed food.
Conservation of Cancer and the
Control of Fear
two or more factors are responsible for carcinogenesis in the body. For example, when we sit in front of a computer screen, through radiation there are higher degrees
of mercury evaporated from amalgamated dental fillings. The most fundamental
and common factor is internal contamination since a clean and healthy body does
not produce cancer. Nutrition is 90% responsible for the development of cancer
and many other diseases. Only 10% accounts for the rest.
hundred twenty-three substances suspected for carcinogenesis and teratogenesis
have been detected in the total of all dai1y care products sold
around the world. Toothpaste with triclosan (dichlorophenoxy phenol), shaving
foams with triethanolamine, shower gels and creams with methylisothisolinole,
sodium laurel, peelings with phenol, dish washing soaps with lanolin (that is
produced from sheep hair, usually steeped in DDT and other pesticides). Hair color products that, like many
industrial products, contain lead, which is harmful for the organism and
dangerous for fetal heath in pregnant women. Sun screens with methyl
benzylidene camphor, which is harmful to the thyroid, lipsticks that use worms
and dead fish as raw material. Burnt fat and fat from grills is collected and
made into soap.
in the food and drug field know this
for a fact: the food that we are consuming while taking a medication could
decrease its action, even cancel it altogether, or it could increase its
absorption by our bodies. For example, grilled meat contains polyunsaturated
hydrogen that intervenes in the liver function resulting in an increase in metabolism for a large number of drugs. Those who eat meat should avoid
medication and those who prefer medication should give up meat. This should be
legislated by law and mentioned, as is the case with cigarettes, on the meat package and on every medication and supplement, on every cosmetic product and food product, as well as on products of daily use such as cell phones. We
cannot talk about legality when we limit it only to certain interests. There are also those who, when repressed by
"legality", tend to oppress their oppressors in their own legality. For example, doctors should ask their patients
about the consumption of tomatoes, or meat and the use of medications and cell
phones, the same way they inquire about smoking.
The System of Health or Dependence Regulates our Need for Security
The field
of medicine has created a universal lethargy, since it has lost its way, changing
goals and aims from putting the human being at the center, to the consistent
accumulation of wealth by a dependent clientele worldwide. The earth
increasingly resembles a gigantic laboratory for genetic experiments. From a
pregnant woman's way of life to the C-section and the incubator, and from
compulsory schooling or military immunization, to children's and teenagers'
foods, soft drinks, fast food, video games, college education in lieu of real education, relationships between
the two sexes, labor, social, political and intellectual relations even to the
hot topic of transplants, euthanasia and burial, we will find incessant lying,
fraud and criminal mistakes.
doesn't anybody react to all this? The mass media are concerned with roaches and
small businesses that cause minor harm and they do not bother to look at the
source of the problem. As much as this will sound extreme, no fly found in a patron's dish has ever caused death. Οn the contrary, hospitals and cemeteries are crowded with consumers of
food and drugs. In a short time there won't be any difference between the two.
It would be fair to say that doctors shou1d be the first ones to react, but
this way they would lose the clientele that hotels, restaurants and cooks send-to
them, by ordering tons of mutated meat every day. Ignorance, indifference, and
financial interests guided by specific groups are lumping people in herds like pigs in pig farms.
health system has become an ill system. It spends 9/10 to deal with disease and
only 1/10 for prevention. It is clear that the motive is not financial gain,
but the control of our choices, desires, our will and our mind. Ineffective and
often deadly drugs are approved daily, without going through adequate controls.
Very recently, we had in Greece the case of a child, victim
of antibiotics whose skin was burnt. Former FDA member Dr. Herbert Ley
commented in a deposition in front of the US Senate: "People think
that FDA protects them. This is not the case. What FDA actually does and what
people think it does have no relation with each other whatsoever." For
over 40 years medical research indicates that diabetes is a degenerative
disease caused by the consumption of artificial foods that focus on profit over health.
Who is Terrorized by Overpopulation?
Press, Rome: Crop
production ίn
developing countries is expected to suffer an important blow. Climate changes
threaten to increase the number of hungry people ίn the world since they will limit appropriate
fields for cultivation ίn
developing countries, warns the Food and Agήcu1ture Organization (ΡΑΟ) of the United Nations. Α report by the same organization
mentions: "In almost 40 developing countries with a total population of 2 billion
people, including 450 million undernourished, production losses due to climate change
could increase significant1y the number of undernourished people, putting
obstacles to the fight against hunger and nutritional insecurity."
instance, the United States
exported during 1980 "84 percent of world production of com, 82 percent of
soy products and 45% of flour." Researcher Lowell Ponte wrote in his book Food: The Secret Weapon Οf America
controlling 57% of the world grain exports the United
States is the 'Saudi Arabia of food.'" Only 8
out of 173 countries (USA, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, Argentina, South
Africa, France,
and Thailand)
produce more foods than they consume. Only the US, out of these eight countries
that produce food, and out of all the OPEC nations that export oil worldwide, has the largest monopoly in exporting produce.
earth's popu1ation increases every year by 80 million (one new person is born
almost every nine seconds, while another person dies every twelve seconds).
Sixty-five out of 80 million are born in very poor countries. This means that
every year the population of the earth increases almost as much as the current
population of France, Germany or England. The population of Africa makes up 10% of the world population. It is
estimated that ίn 100
to 150 years it will reach 25% of the world population (despite the deadly
diseases that plague the black continent). In some countries, especially in African countries, population increase is
explosive, since it doubles every few years. This increase exacerbates the
existing problems of nutrition, housing, health, education, work, and so forth.
Poverty is a form of intellectual subjugation. Behind the hypocrisy of mutated
food donations to the hungry of the third world, we hide our tolerance for yet one
more extermination.
The Massive Extermination Plan
pharmaceutical corporations promote surgeries and immunizations for a number of
reasons that the unsuspected patient will often take as a charity, a gift that
resembles the horse of Troy,
since it carries a new virus. Unsuspected human guinea pigs are now in the bil1ions, and anybody cou1d research that,
from prisons to kindergartens, to nursery homes and many private clinics or, in general, wherever we have massive concentration of people. President
Bush hints that in the case of a bird-flu pandemic the
army may have to intervene has led many people to specu1ate that in this way they plan a step towards military
rule. According to Countercurrents.com,
a thinking-ahead Internet site, the next national security alert- such as a
bird flu pandemic- maybe the swan song of our democracy.
already boasts that he will use the army to quarantine those infected. Last
year, Bush ordered a study of the immediate creation of a series of containment
centers that will be added to an existing 600 units. In addition, the
Department of Interior gets consu1tation from an Israeli firm, Israeli Prison Systems Ltd, for the speedy construction of
special1y-built concentration camps that will be located in rural areas in most inland America
and Alaska.
This year, before Christmas, Bush gave presidential pardon to two turkeys. The
rest are in bad shape. Some think he is out of it. Some
believe that bird flu will be used purposely to decrease world population.
Author Leonard G. Horowitz, a specialist in pandemics, has claimed that "if bird flu develops into a pandemic,
this will have happened thanks to political and economical planning."
position is further supported by the distorted presentation of the issue from
mass media that profit over useless and dangerous vaccines and ignore blatantly
previous pandemic cases that have been caused by humans, such as SARS, AIDS, and
so forth. The ongoing genetic experiments signal that more mutated flu viruses
wil1 be created. High ranking White House officials involved in this case have
claimed for a long time that we are heading to a flu pandemic. At the same time
pharmaceutical executives, also involved, have by pure coincidence huge amounts
of vaccines ready in stock and, at the same time, they have access to every
possible medium that exacerbates panic of the public in order to benefit them. The public must resist this mass murder that is
planned with the help of doctors and researchers. This genocide plan serves
economical and political interests that aim at decreasing world popu1ation.
The Role of Genetically Altered
promotion of genetical1y altered foods today comprises a central issue of the US foreign
policy. In September of 2004, the US
embassy ίn the Vatican organized a conference in collaboration
with the Academy
of Sciences of the
Pontiff under the theme: "Nurturing a hungry popu1ation: Ethical
requisition of biotechnology." There was opposition from many Catholic priests that resu1ted in an intense religious debate among Catholics.
that are based on grains and crops rich in phytic acid
(phytine) contribute to the wide lack of minera1s in Third World popu1ations. In these
p1aces we are witnessing consumption of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc in plant-based food, but these peoples' diets
-based on soy and grains- inhibit the
absorption of minerals. Soybean has one of the highest levels of phytic acid (phytine)
compared to any other grain or crop studied. Zinc is the intelligence mineral
and it is necessary for the development of the brain and the nervous system.
Lack of zinc can produce a fee1ing of "emptiness that some vegetarians
interpret as a sign οf
"spiritual enlightenment."
In 1992,
the Swiss Hea1th Organization estimated that 100 grams of soy protein equaled
the estrogen leve1s found in a
contraceptive pill, whi1e in a different study it was found that isoflavone concentration in the cardiovascular system of babies fed with
soy formula was 13,000-22,000 times higher from the estradiol concentration
found in the plasma of babies fed with cows
milk. Α baby fed
exclusively with soy formula gets intakes of estrogen quantity equal to five
contraceptive pills.
In a
series of experiments, Irina Ermakova, one of the leading scientists at the Institute of Higher Neural
Activity and Neurophysiology at the Russian Academy
of Sciences, added genetically altered soy flour to the nutrition of female
rats. Other rats ate regular soy or no soy at all.
Experimental nutrition started two weeks before rats conceived and continued
through the duration of pregnancy and post-partum. Within three weeks after
that, 55.6% of the genetically-altered soy-fed rats died while the percentage
for the regu1ar soy group was 9% and 6, 8% for the non-soy group.
manifestation of nutritional imperialism could be the case where a certain type
of food appropriate for the genetic construction of a specific group of people
is promoted for consumption in other groups
of people, regardless of whether they have the biological basis for its
digestion. Such is the case of milk. In the case of Greeks, a Mediterranean people, the lactose intolerance
ranges between 60%-90%, that is 6-9 out of 10 Greeks cannot digest milk.
Nevertheless, they do drink it (remember the commercial claiming that milk makes
strong kids) but they would never tolerate fraud in extra virgin olive oil. If we lose
the olive oil, we wi1l lose God's mercy. Thankfully, we still maintain something good,
good wine and olives, some types of cheese and every place in Greece is rich in its own small
production of goods.
Trapped in a Fascist Nutritional Regime Dictated from
You are
free to have a pet of your preference, cats, dogs, birds, fish, iguana, snakes,
eνen crocodiles, but
just try to bring a goat in your back yard and see what
happens. Can you just say no? Do you think
you are free to reject contaminated food imposed on you? Such was
the belief among Cypriots until recently. However, there was recent1y an
article in the daily press confirming what the
real regime is, a regime that is a far cry from a democracy, for which all
civilized governments of the West worry about. He article read: "The US embassy in Cyprus
imposes nutritional rules."
In June
of 2006, the American ambassador gave a memo to the president of the Cypriot
parliament where he calls on the
Environment Committee to withdraw legislation proposing that genetically
altered products be placed on separate
shelves in the grocery stores. The blackmail
reminds us of a gangster situation, since according to this memo: “otherwise,
the relations between the two countήes will be affected while at the same time nothing will happen towards
the direction of protecting the health and well-being of your citizens. In
addition, if Cyprus
goes against our proposition, it will be considered as going against the
responsibilities and regulations of the World Trade Organization and the
European Union." The commerce policy of the United States
not only shows a convergence with the
Industry of Genetically A1tered Products, but it has chosen a clear strategy of
misleading the consumer. Countries seem to have committed to the WTO and the
European Union. They decide what we will be eating;
the same way big stock farmers decide what to feed the animals in their farm.
special training that security forces go through in terms of how to use the psychology of the masses in order to exercise control clearly reveals the
existence of a collective consciousness that permeates all human groups. All collective consciousness can be manipulated
through nutrition and this has happened in people of all ages. It all began with the clergy controlling
crop stocks and the distribution of agricultural products. It is not
coincidental that Adam and Eνe were kicked out of Paradise because
they ate the forbidden fruit.
There is
a plan for a new, powerful agency ίn the United States,
the World Food Agency that will control the production and distήbutίοn of food. American researcher Texe Mars
wonders in his book Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos: "Why did the Rockefeller Foundation, which
is often associated with the New World Order, donate the United Nations building
and provided 90 million dollars for molecu1ar biology research that serνed as the basis of lab genetics from
the '30s until 1959? Why does it contribute to the funding of the
International Rice Institute (IRRI) with headquarters in the Philippines,
because of which Asian farmers suffer? Again, the Rockefeller Foundation ίn the years preceding the GAΤΤ agreement collected 95% of crop
produced worldwide (including wheat, barley, and corn)."
Ιn Conclusion: Memory Control is the Key to Will
history offers abundant examples of selective genocide all around the world. There
is a diachronic race issue at the root of peoples' memory and its relation to
blood. Blood is red and such is Mars' color, whose iron made the Earth's core,
while its insufficiency ίn
the blood is considered lethal. Α meteorite from pure iron coming from the planet of the God of War is
placed at the altar of a meditation room ίn the building of some international
organization. It is considered a booster of mental energy. The secret of war is
associated with the mind, and deception is considered its primary silent weapon. From Babylon
to Rome and from France
to England and the United States,
a nutrition bar is handed over. This bar, because of the food combination and
methodology, is ίn
sharp contrast with the blood group. This is how blood degenerates and human
beings fail to balance the two hemispheres of their brain, and the fulfillment
of their true destination. The natural electrolytic solution of the brain's
electrical synapses with every thought consists at the same time a source of
life and energy that is wasted in thousands of
useless small daily actions. In the whole process, endocrine hormones and brain
endorphins exhaust the organic system because of insufficient or excessive
Food is
used today as a weapon of mass destruction. Its essence is lost somewhere
between high aesthetics and multinational interests. The beast only obeys
public opinion and that is why it makes sure to
shape it a priority. There is historical evidence that
supports what many people suspect already: That there is a purpose behind everything.
The well-coordinated moves that produce specific resu1ts in space and time require knowledge necessity
laws and, of course, organization. Since
we have the evidence from the results we can also point to the causes. The same
beast that feeds people eats them as well. This is why each and every one of us
should wonder not only what s/he eats and what eats him/her but also whom is
s/he feeding? Is it those who feed him/her? Those who don't have the financial
ease to belong to the big family of PATIENTS-CUSTOMERS (of the trans-national
pharmaceutical corporations, that are in turn, related
to oil companies that constantly block
free energy) seem sentenced by a plan of mass extermination through different
ways that are directly or indirectly linked to nutrition.
Those who find all this exaggerated should look more carefully into the
relationship between water, drugs and nutrition worldwide.
and natural, moral and mental decadence of modem man that contribute to (if not
cause) modem nutrition have three major targets. Everything leads to human DNA,
to the control of human brain, and to the manipulation of consciousness. This
one target is articulated on three
different areas: brain (in young ages), heart
(the thymus gland is off since our infancy), and genitalia (in puberty). This is achieved through the way of
thinking, nutrition, way of life, as long as our nutrition includes what we
read, what we see, every impression and every harmful drug and chemical in the air or in the water. Nutrition will become
one with the Medicine of the future. Humans consciously will benefit their
health through nutrition and they will spiritualize it to the degree they
themselves will become more human. Το the degree that they will claim their divine rights, they will make headway in terms of human
rights that are violated on all continents.
gastronomy will be very soon called upon to play a humanizing role much more
important than it has played until today. This will happen when it will escape
from its own typology and its own status quo, beyond molecular gastronomy to
the real Art of Life and open up to new intellectual horizons. Because at the core of the "good
living" idea there is love for the praxis, and this requires a
consciousness of self-knowledge, something that not everybody can handle. In
the words of Periandrus, "Free is the one who has a
virtuous consciousness." Some people consider this a joke, giving way to a
so-called freedom of choice. But it is Truth that sets us free and we cannot
live it outside the beauty of virtues, that is, becoming human beings who live
real lives and who look up.*
*Ιn Greek, one of the etymologies for the word "anthropos", is
the one who looks up: ano + throskon (ανω-θρώσκων).
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